Category: Health

Is Circumcision painful?

Many parents wonder how to tell if their child will beĀ or not. Circumcision is a procedure of removing the foreskin of the penis, or the baby’s member, in order to make it look cleaner and more presentable. This procedure was performed manually in the past. However, modern machines make …

Methods used for baby Circumcision

makes use of a simple Plastibell method. The Plastibell device is a flexible tool made from lightweight clear plastic that it is shaped in a bell shape, with a sliding handle attached at the end. It comes in several sizes to accommodate newborn babies, infants, and children. The plastibel is …

What helps a Circumcision wound heal faster?

While most of us can tell when we have sunburns, very few people can answer the question, “Why does my circumcised penis become so dry?” This is because skin is designed to absorb moisture from the environment around it, not to retain it.

The skin naturally sheds its outer layer …