Newborn Circumcision

Parents often face difficult choices when caring for their newborn babies, such as circumcision Sydney .

Newborn circumcision can help protect young males against HIV infection and genital warts, making circumcision an integral component in male sexually transmitted disease prevention efforts.


Your infant will first be evaluated to make sure he or she is healthy enough for circumcision, then your physician will discuss any beliefs and traditions surrounding circumcision that exist within your family, should this apply.

At this stage of the procedure, your baby will be secured on a board or restraining device and given anesthesia through either topical creams or injections to numb the area around their penis.

Once anesthesia has taken effect, your newborn’s doctor will use either the Plastibell technique or Gomco clamp instead of a scalpel to remove his foreskin from his penis.

Your doctor may advise giving your infant acetaminophen (Tylenol) to ease pain. Clean gently the affected area every diaper change with warm water and apply petroleum jelly if there is irritation. If your newborn develops fever symptoms, contact their physician immediately as this could indicate infection leading to serious consequences such as gangrene.


Newborn circumcision is typically performed two or three days postbirth at a hospital. It’s a quick surgical process wherein the skin that covers the head of the penis (glans) is surgically removed by injecting local anesthetic into an injection site, then using clamps or plastic rings, remove foreskin. Pediatricians, some obstetricians, as well as some urologists are skilled in performing newborn circumcisions; typically acetaminophen – commonly known by brand names such as Tylenol — is given alongside local anesthetic to help lessen pain during and post procedure.

Your child will be strapped securely to a table or board while you may wait in a separate room nearby. While undergoing the procedure, she or he is likely to cry and fuss during this part. After it is over, a dressing and antibacterial ointment will be applied directly onto the wound site; after seven to ten days have passed since circumcision was performed, however, its tip will appear raw and yellowish; you will be instructed on how best to care for this area to avoid adhesions and keep it clean.


Many newborns are circumcised for cultural or religious purposes. Others require it due to physical abnormalities of the penis that need correction through circumcising. Others still may need it due to medical problems like urinary tract infections; generally speaking, circumcision is painless, however some babies experience discomfort – usually controlled with anesthesia administered by physicians during this process.

Circumcision Melbourne is an innocuous, painless procedure with few risks when performed by trained professionals in sterile conditions under adequate pain management.

Studies have demonstrated that using topical anesthetic cream such as EMLA helps ease pain during circumcision. Other techniques may include giving the baby a pacifier or swaddling him. Oral pain medication, such as acetaminophen, may also be administered prior to and following surgery to help lessen discomfort.

Researchers conducted one study comparing the effects of EMLA and placebo on behavioral (facial activity and crying) and physiological responses (heart rate, blood pressure, and limb movement). Although infants in both groups experienced crying episodes, those given EMLA experienced significantly shorter crying duration than their counterparts who received placebo treatment.

Post-circumcision care

Circumcision should occur within two days after birth for cosmetic, hygiene and religious ceremonies purposes, among others. While not medically necessary, circumcision can protect against certain infections and diseases. Both CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics advise circumcision as a preventative measure.

Procedure will cause discomfort for infants; however, their pain can be managed with help from sucking on a pacifier dipped in sugar solution or an anesthetic cream and giving acetaminophen.

After circumcision is performed, new dressings containing petroleum jelly should be applied every time the diaper is changed for 3 to 5 days following surgery. After this time period has passed, you should wash gently using clear warm water without soap; and wash the site only as directed above. It is normal for the glans area to appear greenish or yellowish during this process of healing.

As the baby matures, its foreskin should naturally retract itself. Any attempts at forcing this process should be avoided as doing so could prove harmful and lead to permanent skin disfigurement.

Author: Randy Nelson